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I would like some information on who to contact at the circulation department? I used to work there, sometime in 1982 and 1983. May I know the whereabouts of the people I worked with at that time? Any information that you are able to provide will be much appreciated. I have forgotten their names but not the friendship we shared. I apologize for using this site/page. I do not know how else I can reach anyone at Manila Times.
Fr. Shay Cullen will be presenting at a Regional Forum at Bicol University Grduate School, Legazpi, Albay, on Saturday, March 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm in the Amphitheater. The topic is “Human Trafficking in the Bicol Region”. We believe this an important and timely topic and believe you might want to cover this event. Our second featured speaker will be Atty. Joyce O. Guerrero, Assistant Regional Prosecutor. Additionally we will have a panel of city and government officials on hand to answer questions.
I would like some information on who to contact at the circulation department? I used to work there, sometime in 1982 and 1983. May I know the whereabouts of the people I worked with at that time? Any information that you are able to provide will be much appreciated. I have forgotten their names but not the friendship we shared. I apologize for using this site/page. I do not know how else I can reach anyone at Manila Times.
Fr. Shay Cullen will be presenting at a Regional Forum at Bicol University Grduate School, Legazpi, Albay, on Saturday, March 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm in the Amphitheater. The topic is “Human Trafficking in the Bicol Region”. We believe this an important and timely topic and believe you might want to cover this event. Our second featured speaker will be Atty. Joyce O. Guerrero, Assistant Regional Prosecutor. Additionally we will have a panel of city and government officials on hand to answer questions.