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Please note that this page may not be actively monitored by the Management & Staff of MAKATI CENTRAL POST OFFICE, and as a result, they may not be able to respond to your comment or inquiry immediately. If you have an urgent concern, we recommend contacting them directly through their provided contact number(s) or email.
I am looking for a phone number to call that someone will actually pick up and answer.
I called the two noted here, 0285270107/0285270111 with no answer and 0288440150 and 0288129211.
Does the Makati central post office actually have a working phone number?,
Hi ma’am sir can I go there this coming March 7i want to get my postal ID is that possible?
hello ano po office hours nyo? may sat & sun po ba na office?
I am looking for a phone number to call that someone will actually pick up and answer.
I called the two noted here, 0285270107/0285270111 with no answer and 0288440150 and 0288129211.
Does the Makati central post office actually have a working phone number?,
Can I inquire about the status of the return card with Ref No. RE 813 220 191 ZZ.
Hello, san po pwede ipick up yung national id na hindi na-claim sa brgy?
hello diyan po ba kukunin yung national id .3x attempt po kasi denilever wla tao sa Haws.thank you
Pwede na po ba kumuha ng postal id?
Kelan po kau mgkakaron ng post master??