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I been calling the numbers 89276204 and the cp number 0966 4799 if RDO branch 38 which was given to me in making a follow up for the E-car i applied last July 11, 2023 but both the numbers keeps on ringing. Ive been calling for more than an hour now but still can’t hear from them.. What up… Thanks . Please help.
bakit hindi po macontact ang mga landline po ninyo may itatanong po sana ako about sa pagbayad sa open cases di’ba po sa bangko po magbabayad at kanino po namin ipapangalan sa tseke?
how to request certificate of pos cancellation permit?
Am getting a recorded voice incomplete details or wrong number…… what is the updated contact number please.
I been calling the numbers 89276204 and the cp number 0966 4799 if RDO branch 38 which was given to me in making a follow up for the E-car i applied last July 11, 2023 but both the numbers keeps on ringing. Ive been calling for more than an hour now but still can’t hear from them.. What up… Thanks . Please help.
ano pa requirements for estate tax payment po? Hanggang kailan po anmesty period po natin?
bakit hindi po macontact ang mga landline po ninyo may itatanong po sana ako about sa pagbayad sa open cases di’ba po sa bangko po magbabayad at kanino po namin ipapangalan sa tseke?
i cannot contact your numbers . no one is answering the phone